
of the

Garfield Rough Riders OHV Club

Panguitch, Utah


Name, Mission and Objectives

Section 1. Name and Organization

A. This organization shall be known as the Garfield Rough Riders OHV Club (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”) and shall include representatives from governments, businesses, organizations and individuals who enjoy exploring public lands via off highway vehicles (OHV’S), and other forms of motorized transportation.

Section 2. Mission Statement

A. Our mission is to be a social organization for OHV enthusiasts. We will provide guided OHV rides, camp outs, tours and social events. Educational and recreational forums will be provided for all ages based on safe use of OHV’s and the responsible use of OHV trails. Members will assist in the development and maintenance of OHV trails on public lands specifically for OHV recreation and continued access to public lands. Additionally, the Garfield OHV Rough Riders Club will support our community through positive outreach programs and contributions.

Section 3. Objectives

  1. To meet monthly to plan club activities such as rides, discuss laws and regulations that affect motorized recreation, plan public service projects, etc.
  2. To invite individuals from government and business entities to help educate Club members as to products, laws, regulations, and other OHV opportunities.
  3. To provide volunteers for worthy public service projects which benefits our membership and communities.
  4. To assist public land managers in the identification and prioritization of public land use issues that affect motorized recreation.
  5. To gather and associate with like-minded individuals to enjoy trail rides and other Club activities.
  6. To provide an opportunity for those new to OHV recreation with opportunities to learn proper land use ethics as well as where it is appropriate to ride, along with instructions on proper use and safety for OHV operators.
  7. To enlist volunteers to plan and staff the OHV Clubs annual fundraiser and other public service projects.



Section 1. Officers

  1. Officers of the Garfield Rough Riders OHV Club shall consist of the following positions and will be referred to in these Bylaws as the Executive Committee:
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  2. Officers shall serve without monetary compensation.
  3. All elected officers shall serve a term of two years. In the event a Club officer becomes unable to serve, that position will be filled in a special election to be held at a regularly scheduled Club meeting.
  4. Duties of the club officers shall include

The President shall:

  1. Prepare an agenda and conduct club meetings.
  2. Represent the Club at Club activities and functions.
  3. Represent the Club in meetings and negotiations with government agencies and other entities.
  4. Revies committee activities and sit Ad Hoc during committee activities, when necessary.
  5. Review and revise OHV Club and members.
  6. Sign drafts, represent interests of our OHV Club and members.
  7. Assign someone to maintain the website.

The Vice President shall:

  1. Act on behalf of the President as requested or in the President’s absence. In the event the President is no longer able to serve, the Vice President shall serve in that capacity until a replacement is duly elected.
  2. Be Ride Coordinator and as such will work with the trail guides for the Club rides. An annual schedule shall be prepared by March and published via email and on the Club website.

The Secretary shall:

  1. Keep the records of the Club including minutes of meetings, Club membership, calendar, Club correspondence and make notifications to Club members.
  2. Send out the previous meeting minutes prior to the monthly meeting, to be approved during the next Club meeting.
  3. Keep a copy of the Bylaws on hand during every meeting.

The Treasurer shall:

  1. Receive all monies on behalf of the club, keep a record of all monies received, and deposit all monies received into the Club bank account within two business days. Petty cash funds are comprised of money collected from direct donations from individuals and the 50/50 raffles (excluding the annual fund raiser). The Club bank account is all money collected by the Club.
  2. Pay out monies as authorized by these bylaws or by a vote of the Club.
  3. Report the financial balance of the Club bank account and petty cash balance at the monthly Club meetings.
  4. Give a financial report at the next monthly club meeting following the conclusion of a fundraiser.
  5. Make the financial records of the Club available for reasonable inspection by any Club member in good standing.
  6. Shall pay all standard bills as presented. The President or Executive Committee 9minimum of three officers) can approve up to $500.00 in expenditures. Anything above $500 requires a Club vote and approval.
  7. Be responsible to ensure that all required state or federal financial or tax forms are completed and submitted by the due date.
  8. Be in charge of Club apparel and merchandise for sale, keeping a record of who receives and pays for the items.
  9. Manage the 50/50 raffles in the monthly meetings, allocating half of the proceeds to the raffle winner, and the remaining proceeds to the Club petty cash.

E. Election of Officers

At the October Club meeting, the President shall evaluate the need for new officers, and poll the Club for Officer nominations, if needed. Regular election of club officers shall be conducted bi-annually at the November meeting. If there should be more than one candidate for an elected position, the Club President will poll the membership in attendance. The winning candidate will be elected by the majority of the members that are present. Newly elected officers shall take office effective January 1st. In the event a Club officer becomes unable to serve, that position will be filled in a special election to be held at a regularly scheduled Club meeting.

F. Quorum of Club Officers

Three Club officers shall form a Quorum for conducting Club business.


Meetings, Membership, Amendments, Duties

Section 1. Meetings

  1. Garfield Rough Riders OHV Club meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month in Panguitch, Utah. During the colder months of February, March, April, October and November, the OHV Club will hold indoor meetings at 6:30 PM at the Panguitch Senior Center. In the summer months of May, June, July, August and September, the Club meetings are at the Panguitch City Park at 6:30 PM in Panguitch, Utah, preceded by a Potluck dinner starting at 6:00 PM. There will be no business meeting in December, as the Club will hold its holiday party instead. No meeting will be held in January.

B. Policy Club Meetings

If any Club member would like an agenda item put on the meeting agenda, they are to notify the Club President by the Monday of the week the meetiong is to be held. The OHV Club President will put out a Club Meeting agenda via email the Tuesday before the Thursday scheduled meetings.

A short open discussion period will be allowed after presentation of all agenda items for introduction of new items that were not included in the current agenda. If resolution of the new item cannot be made quickly, the item will be added to the next Club meeting agenda for additional discussion if so requested.

Reports from the Committee, if any, shall be given at the meeting. Planning of OHV Club events shall be restricted to a minimum at club meetings.

Section 2. Membership and Dues

  1. Membership is open to any person or household who wishes to support the stated purposes of the club and accept the stated duties of Club members.
  2. Membership dues shall be $25 per household annually. Membership shall run from January to January each year. Membership shall cease, and communications end upon six months of delinquency of Club dues. Only current members in good standing shall be entitled to the benefits of Club membership. Spouses of deceased members receive honorary membership with full benefits. Members who tum 80 years old may have their household dues waived beginning the year following their birthday, upon their request. Annual dues will not be prorated for members who join throughout the year. New members that join in the fourth quarter of the year will have their paid dues carried over to the following year.

Section 3. Amendments

A. Amendments to the Club bylaws shall be made by a majority vote of Club membership present at a regularly scheduled Club meeting.

Section 4. Duties of Club Members

  1. Members shall promote a positive image for the Club. Each member is encouraged to attend as many meetings and be involved in as many Club activities as individual circumstances allow.
  2. Members are welcome to express ideas and opinions in Club meetings and in person or via email giving your written opinions.
  3. Members are encouraged to solicit others to join our Club and enjoy the benefits of membership and social fellowship.
  4. Members and their guests accept full responsibility for their personal safety and recognize that there are inherent hazards associated with motorized recreation. Members and guests will not hold the Club, Club officers or committee members liable or responsible for any harm, injury or death that they may receive.
  5. Members agree to having no alcohol on rides or in coolers (including passengers), and no illegal drugs on rides, including marijuana.
  6. Members agree to follow all Utah licensing and laws pertaining to OHV use within our state on Club rides. Beginning January 1, 2023, Utah requires all OHV operators to complete the Utah Off-Highway Vehicle Education Course, which can be found at

https://New Utah OHV Education Course – Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation

G. Members agree to follow all out of state licensing/permits and laws pertaining to OHV use when on Club rides out of state.

Revised Bylaws adopted by the Garfield Rough Riders OHV Club on May 2, 2024.

A motion was made to accept the Bylaws by Joe Orman, with a second made by Carol Richardson. All members present approved.

Accepted by:

PresidentSusan Gallego
Vice PresidentEd Berry
SecretaryCheryl Berry
TreasurerSissy King